Partnerships and Funding

The Devon Biodiversity Records Centre (DBRC) was established to gather, manage and disseminate data about Devon’s Wildlife. The centre takes a partnership approach based upon shared objectives with its host DWT, and with the many conservation NGOs, Local authorities, Protected landscapes, and other stakeholders working within the county. It aims to establish a robust and securely managed network of knowledge and intelligence, which Devon needs if it is to safeguard and promote the interests of its rich natural terrestrial and marine environment over the next millennium.
DBRC operates under the FAIR data principles, ensuring our data holdings are promoted (Findable) are available through a range of suitable products and services (Accessible) is available in varying electronic formats (interoperable) and is robustly managed through professional custodianship, ensuring it is also (reuseable).
An Executive Group comprising representatives from all major stakeholder groups oversees the strategic direction of DBRC, as well as helping direct and monitor its annual work programme and budgets. Input is provided by representatives from Devon County Council, Devon Wildlife Trust and The Environment Agency as well as representatives from ecological consultancies, the recording community, local ecologists and local authorities.
The organisations below are all Service level agreement holders with DBRC, receiving data and services from us to underpin their decision making.
- Clinton Devon Estates
- Dartmoor National Park Authority
- Devon County Council
- Devon Wildlife Trust
- Environment Agency
- East Devon District Council
- Exeter City Council
- Exmoor National Park Authority
- Forestry England
- Mid Devon District Council
- Network Rail
- North Devon District Council
- Plymouth City Council
- South Hams District council
- Teignbridge District Council
- South West Water
- West Devon Borough Council
How DBRC is funded
DBRC is a “not- for- profit” organisation. The size and scale of its operation is dependent on the funding it can secure. DBRC’s income comes from:
- Service Level Agreements and Memoranda of Understanding with partners who require specific work to be carried out.
- Contracts with partners that relate to specific projects.
- Commercial contract work for other organisations and businesses.
- Data licences with partners.
- Revenue from data searches for commercial organisations.
- Grants and donations.
Work for partners is charged at cost. There is a commercial rate for non-partner organisations. The charges are set out in the charging policy. Any surplus generated by commercial work is used to fund DBRC’s core work.
Please contact us if you are interested in supporting our work at DBRC or setting up a Service Level Agreement with us.